LOS ANGELES, October 2018 – For its fifth iteration, the non-profit arts organization The Billboard Creative (www.thebillboardcreative.org) will inject art into the LA cityscape throughout October, hanging 31 works from emerging and established artists including Lawrence Weiner, Marilyn Minter, Laurie Simmons, Marianne Kolb and Spencer Tunick alongside works by numerous emerging artists.
With the goal of shining light on underexposed artists and their practices through major, public exhibitions of artwork, The Billboard Creative (TBC) turns billboards and advertising spaces into accessible art exhibitions open to all Angelenos. Works are selected through a curated, blind-submission process open to all, and shown alongside selected guest artists.
“We take the gallery to the streets, making it accessible to more artists and more people,” says TBC Founder and Executive Director Adam Santelli. “Now that we have a number of exhibitions under our belt, we can see that we are making progress in our mission, and helping to advance the careers and visibility of artists who deserve wider attention. It’s also a pleasure talking to people who appreciate the element of surprise in seeing something as unexpected as art on a billboard, or seeing art numerous times a day, as part of their normal routine.”
“I was thrilled to join with The Billboard Creative on this show as it gave me the chance to help discover new talent and share their work in a public arena alongside well-established artists,” said the show’s curator Andrea Blanch, founder and editor-in-chief of Muse?e Magazine. “I see it as a continuation of my role at Muse?e, but it was also a new challenge because I had to consider how the artwork might look on a billboard and how it would hold up in the visual noise of the street where it was hung.”
In the course of its five shows, TBC has hung 130 billboards from artists around the globe, and has generated well over 26 million outdoor impressions.