The Art of the Book
Mailing List
New in the Gallery
Adams, Robert
Allen, James
Allen, Leslie
Andrews, Mari
Annand, Eleanor
Antokal, Gale
Baez, Joan
Baldocchi, Raquel
Beauchamp, Jeffrey
Beube, Doug
Bloch, Wolfgang
Bott, Renée
Brady, Robert
Brooke, Pegan
Brown, Christopher
Brubaker, Joe
Burchard, Christian
Burgess, Sara
Carnwath, Squeak
Chahbazian, Arminée
Club S + S
Cook, Lia
Córdova, Cristina
Craighead, Linda
Craighead, Tim
Day, Stephen Paul
Dettmer, Brian
Dooling, Daniella
Eckart, Charles
Essig, Daniel
Flint, Joshua
Ford Kitz, Kim
Garneau, Kristen
Graf, Jaz
Gregor, Michelle
Gwaltney, Chris
Hambleton, Jane
Harris, Elizabeth
Hawkins, Karen
Hayes, Andrew
Jacobsen, Rodger
Jacoby, Devorah
Janis, Tim Tate with Michael
Kolb, Marianne
Landel, Michele
LeClerc, Françoise
Legge, Nancy
Lyons Stroud, Patricia
Magnolia Editions, Xiaoze Xie and
Manousis, Joanna
Marseille, Claudia
McReynolds, Brigitte
Mitchell, Dennis Lee
Mitrowski, Waldemar
Nunn, Jann
Onodera, Suzanne
O'Shea, Judy
Payne, Emily
Pearson, Leslie
Peretti, Sibylle
Phillips, Jenny
Pierce, Carole
Pillow, Troy
Porges, Maria
Potter, Chuck
Richmond, Ross
Rose, Cathy
Rosen, Jane
Ruddell, David
Rush Lee, Jacqueline
Saint Georges, Eric
Seki, Yucali
Shaw, Alice
Shaw, Richard
Stanley, Helen
Steinert-Foley, Maryann
Steketee, Liz
Stewart, Allison
Storer, Inez
Tachibana, Seiko
Tarantino, Claudia
Taylor, Nick
Vora, Sanjay
Watanabe, Kazuko
Webber, Deloss
Wildenboer, Barbara
Williams, Diane
Artwork Medium:
Altered book
Altered books
Artist's Book
Book Art
Book Object
Book Pages
Cut Paper
Digital Media
Gelatin Silver Photograms
Mixed media
oil on canvas
Shredded Money and Thread
(Scottish - Dark Peace)
16 handcut paper specimens of plants and flowers
acrylic and canyon on paper
acrylic and collage on silk
acrylic and color pencil on book pages mounted to
Acrylic and color pencil on book pages mounted to
Acrylic and color pencil on book pages mounted to
Acrylic and color pencil with collage on book page
acrylic and colored pencil mounted on book pages
Acrylic and colored pencil on book pages mounted t
acrylic and graphite on canvas
acrylic and graphite on linen
acrylic and ink on book pages mounted to Japanese
acrylic and ink on paper mounted to canvas
acrylic and ink with collage on book pages mounted
acrylic and ink with color pencil on silk, mounted
acrylic and mixed media on panel
acrylic and rust on canvas
acrylic ink on book boards
Acrylic on antique panel
acrylic on book boards
acrylic on book boards, book cloth
acrylic on book boards, book covers
Acrylic on book pages mounted on paper
acrylic on book pages mounted to Japanese paper
Acrylic on book pages mounted to Japanese paper,
acrylic on book pages mounted to paper
acrylic on bookpages mounted to canvas
acrylic on bookpages mounted to Chinese paper
acrylic on canvas
acrylic on Larroque watercolor paper
acrylic on panel
acrylic on paper
acrylic on paper mounted on canvas
acrylic on paper mounted to canvas
acrylic on silk mounted to Chinese paper
acrylic on wood, epoxy
Acrylic paint and ink on book pages mounted to Jap
acrylic paint on cedar shingles
acrylic paint, acrylic molding paste on panel
acrylic paint, collage on panel
acrylic paint, ink, color pencil on book pages on
acrylic paint, ink, color pencil, on book pages an
acrylic paint, sumi ink, rust, plaster on canvas
acrylic with collage on silk mounted to canvas
acrylic, colored pencil and collage on silk, mount
acrylic, ink and color pencil on paper
acrylic, ink and colored pencil on book pages moun
acrylic, ink on paper on panel
acrylic, mixed media on canvas
acrylic, mixed media on panel
acrylic, oil stick, pencil on panels
acrylic, plaster, chalk, nail, thread on canvas on
acrylic, rust and mixed media on canvas
acrylic, rust and Stabile on canvas
acrylic, rust and stabilo on canvas
acrylic, rust and stabilo on panel
Akua ink, Fabriano Rosaspina 220 gsm paper
Akua intaglio Fabriano Rosaspina 220 gsm paper
Alaskan cedar, acrylic
Alaskan cedar, acrylic, found metal, patching plas
Alaskan cedar, acrylic, found objects
Alaskan cedar, acrylic, ink, spray paint and rubbe
Alaskan cedar, acrylic, woodburning, found objects
Alaskan cedar, found metal, semi-precious gemstone
Alaskan Yellow Cedar, acrylic, glass
altered book
altered book, cut rolled and mounted
altered book, cut, rolled, mounted
altered book, gouache, graphite
altered book, steel
altered book, steel, bronze
altered book, steel, paint
altered books
altered copy of Nabokov's The Original of Laura.
altered exhibition catalog
altered hard back copy of This Boy's Life by Tobia
altered postcards, collage
altered telephone book
aluminum screen, price tag rivets, steel cable
aluminum, book pages
aluminum, gesso
aluminum, wire
An installation of 49 handmade books
antique second-hand bedsheets, charcoal, and threa
antique wooden shovel, fabric
aquatint etching
archival digital print with thread and dye
archival microprint paper, bronze, stainless steel
archival pigment print
archival pigment print on bamboo paper
archival pigment print on canvas
Archival pigment print on German etching paper wit
archival pigment print on Moab Entrada Natural 290
archival pigment print on Museo Silver Rag mounted
archival pigment prints and hand cut text
artist book
artist book installation
artist book with letterpress text and CMYK screenp
Artist book with photogravure
Artist Book: laser-etched Acrylic, LEDs, Wood, Ela
artist's book
Basswood milk paint and found materials
basswood, acrylic, woodburning, found objects
basswood, Alaskan cedar, acrylic woodburning, foun
basswood, cedar and milk paint, cypress base
basswood, cyprus and Chinese walnut
basswood, found wood, acrylic woodburning, found o
basswood, Japan paint, old wooden crate
basswood, milk paint, copper
basswood, pepperwood, milk paint, patching plaster
basswood, plywood, milk paint, acrylic paint, pris
basswood, porcelain, cypress base
basswood, sugarpine, milk and Japan paint
birch plywood
blackboard paint, oil paint, fir
blackboard paint, oil paint, fir on panel
blackboard paint, oil paint, fir, muslin
blackboard paint, oil paint, gold leaf and fir on
blackboard paint, oil paint, mahogany
Blackboard, chalk, oil paint on board, fir boat
bleached madrone burl
blown glass and mixed media
book boards, book cloth
book boards, book covers
book boards, graphite
book cloth on book board
book covers
book covers on book boards
book covers on book boards, steel shelf
book covers, book boards
book covers, book boards, gold leaf
book covers, book spines, glue
book covers, ink
book excavation
book in tree cavity transformed by the elements
book page paper on book cloth
book pages and archival ink
book pages on canvas with ink and acrylic paint
book pages on linen with ink and acrylic paint
book pages on paper with ink and acrylic paint
book pages, acrylic paint and ink on canvas
book pages, steel
book sculpture
book wrapped in photography, textile, thread--sewn
bookbinding headbands, binder’s thread, adhesive o
bookpage sculpture, collage
bookpages, rolled and mounted
Books, glue, wax
books, paint, paper, mixed hardware
brass brazed steel wire
brass, silicone, Ash, gesso, hardware
brazed wire
bronze and prismacolor
bronze pair
bronze, acrylic wash, found metal
bronze, granite base
bronze, paint
burnt oak, metal, text papers, Ethiopian bonding
canvas, wood, book pages, acrylic and oil
cardboard, latex paint, waxed linen thread
Carousel Book: printed in black and white, handpai
Carrara marble, acrylic wash and found object
carved and painted pine wood, motor, steel
carved and painted wood, mica, Ethiopian amulet, l
carved painted wood and reclaimed materials
carved pine with stain
carved wood
carved wood and acrylic
carved wood with patina
carved wood, milk paint, plaster
Casein on clay board panel
casein on panel
casein on paper
casein on paper on panel
casein, ink, crayon,transfer on larroque watercolo
cast glass
cast glass with copper
cast glass, mixed media
cast lead crystal, bronze
cast resin
cedar, acrylic paint, prismacolor
cedar, acrylic, glaze, found objects
Cedar, black paint, graphite powder
Cedar, black paint, rubbed graphite
ceramic and mixed media
ceramic clay, slips, glaze
ceramic with concrete belt
ceramic, acrylic
ceramic, mixed media
ceramic, resin
ceramic, resin, metal
ceramic, wire
chalk and graphite on paper
chalk on kiln cast crystal
chalk pastel on paper
chalk, flour, graphite and ash on paper
chalk, flour, powdered graphite and ash on paper
chalk, graphite, ash and flour on paper
chalk, graphite, flour and ash on paper
champagne cork wires
charcoal on paper
charcoal, ink, crayon and shellac on paper
cherry wood, stainless steel
Chest of Drawers, Laser-etched Acrylic Sheet, LEDs
clay, glaze
clay, metal, resin, ceramic, plastic
clay, slips and glaze multi fired to stoneware tem
cold wax medium and oil on panel
collage with 17th century atlas book plates
collage, book art
color etching
color softground and spitbite aquatint etching wit
Colorado white marble with rattan and pigment
copies of Catcher in the Rye, archival ink
copper, thread
copper, wire, shredded U.S. currency
copper, wire, shredded U.S. currency, beeswax
Copperplate Photogravures
Core-cast glass
CorTen steel with paper
cotton, rayon
cotton, rayon weaving
cotton, rayon, woven
custom plasters on canvas
custom plasters, acrylic, mixed media on panel
cut from a single piece of black paper
cut paper
cypress, acrylic paint
deer skull, graphite powder, wax, resin, monofilam
Douglas Fir
douglas fir, Alaskan cedar, acrylic, glass eyes
Douglas Fir, Alaskan Yellow Cedar, acrylic, found
embossed etching
embroidered photograph on waxed paper on fabric
encaustic and graphite on canvas and wood
encaustic and graphite on wood
encaustic and graphite on wood panel
encaustic and mixed media on panel
encaustic and mixed media on panel, mounted on alu
encaustic and oil on canvas
encaustic and oil on panel
encaustic on panel
encaustic, graphite and plaster on wood
Encaustic, graphite and pyrography on canvas and w
encaustic, ink, oil and paper on wood
encaustic, mixed media, lead sheeting on panel
encaustic, Mulberry paper, India ink
encaustic, oil paint on panel
encaustic, oil, and paper on wood
engraved, painted acrylic, paper
etching with aquatint a/p#1
etching with mica inclusions
excavated book
exhibition catalog
fabric and paper collage on board, photo transfers
fabricated steel
fabricated steel and book pages
fabricated steel and book paper
fabricated steel and paint
Fabricated steel, book pages and paint
felt, cement, gypsum, copper wire, stone
fine press artist book
Fir and Mixed Media with Gold Leaf
fir, mahogony, acrylic paint
Fir, Paint, Shellac, Gold leaf
flour, ash, graphite and chalk
flour, ash, graphite, chalk
folded book forms threaded on a steel rod and susp
folded paper sculpture
Folio containing letterpressed collection
formed and fabricated steel
found bird's nest, graphite powder, acrylic gel me
found garden stakes, gouache, thread on paper
found material, basswood, milk paint
found material, cedar, milk and acrylic paint
found material, cedar, prismacolor, milk and acryl
found material, redwood, acrylic paint
found materials, Alaskan yellow cedar, milk paint
found materials, Alaskan yellow cedar, basswood, p
found materials, basswood, Douglas Fir, acrylic pa
found materials, basswood, milk and acrylic paint
found materials, pinewood, milk and acrylic paint
found materials, sealed lead sheet, acrylic paint
found materials, various woods, milk paint and rus
found materials, vintage papers collage on board,
found materials, yellow cedar, milk and acrylic pa
found metal, steel, basswood, acrylic paint
found wood and metal
found wood, douglas fir, basswood, acrylic, pencil
foundry form, leather, cloth
Fresco Photography, Hahnemühle Fine Art Paper
full color exhibition catatlog
Gampi collage on book pages on canvas
gelatin silver photogram
glass beads, mica and steel
glass, decal, drawing
Glass, Mirror, 24 Carat Gold, Stainless Steel, Alu
glazed porcelain with overglaze decals
gold leaf on book boards
gold leaf, book cover on book board
gold leaf, book covers, book boards
gold leaf, graphite, colored pencil on book board
gold leaf, graphite, trace paper, metal, book boar
gold, lead, wood
gouache and porcelain on paper
gouache on paper
granite, fiber, pigment
granite, rattan, driftwood, pigment
graphite & gold leaf on layered paper & duralar
graphite and book boards
graphite and book covers on book boards
graphite and collage on Arches paper
Graphite and collage on vellum
graphite and colored pencil on book boards
graphite and glass beads on paper and duralar
graphite and gold leaf on book boards
graphite and gold leaf on layered paper and durala
graphite and ink on Japanese paper
graphite and watercolor on clay board
graphite on Arches paper
graphite on book board
graphite on book boards
graphite on book boards and book covers
graphite on book boards, book covers
graphite on Japanese paper
graphite on layer paper and duralar
graphite on paper
graphite on trace paper
graphite on Yupo
graphite paint on synthetic paper
graphite, acrylic gel medium, acrylics and oil on
graphite, acrylic gel medium, acrylics and oil on
graphite, acrylic, oil on paper
graphite, book boards and book cloth
graphite, colored pencil and glass beads on layere
graphite, colored pencil, acrylic on book boards
graphite, colored pencil, gouache on book boards
graphite, gouache on book boards
graphite, gouache on book boards and book cloth
graphite, ink and acrylic on paper
graphite, Japanese Ink and beeswax on paper
graphite, spray paint, plastic screen on Japanese
graphite, white pigment and acrylic on book board
Gut, tissue paper, wire, torn book pages.
hand bent steel wire
hand blown glass, marble mix and sumi-e ink
hand blown glass, pigment and marble mix with Sumi
hand blown glass, steel
hand blown pigmented glass
hand blown, pigmented glass
hand cut Arches watercolor 90lb paper
hand cut paper
hand formed clay, found materials
hand formed wire
hand painted print
hand painted vitreography and beeswax
Hand painting on Archival pigment print on clay gr
hand-bent steel wire
Handblow pigmented glass
hand-blown glass
handblown pigmented glass
hand-blown, pigmented glass, cast glass
hand-colored etching with aquatint
hand-cut archival microprint paper, bronze, charre
hand-cut archival microprint paper, bronze, stainl
hand-cut archival microprint paper, cast plastic,
hand-cut archival microprint paper, cast plastic,
hand-cut archival Microprint paper, nylon, cast pl
hand-formed porcelain and found materials
hand-formed porcelain, found materials
Hand-formed porcelain, found materials, copper wir
hand-formed porcelain, found materials, steel wire
hand-formed porcelain, wood
hand-formed steel wire
hand-knotted linen threads, acrylic paint, brass r
handmade artist book
hand-made artist book
handmade artist book with mezzotints
Handmade book necklace
Handmade book object
handmade graphite paint, white pigment and acrylic
handmade Japanese style cloth-bound book with offs
handmade letterpress artist book
handmade letterpress book
Handmade necklace with hand made metal book
handmade paper, silk, ink, freemotion stitching, p
hand-made powdered pigment on panel
hand-made powdered pigment on paper
Handmade Soap, Ink, Ceramic, Metal
hand-tied hemp basket, book has hemp cover over sh
hand-tied hemp basket, two indigo dyed shifu cover
hardcover book, acrylic varnish
hardcover book, glass lens
hardcover book, gouache, lead pencils
hardcover books, acrylic varnish, wood support
hot glue, aluminum foil, pushpins, taxidermy form,
India ink, Mulberry paper, encaustic on panel
industrial felt, thread
industrial felt, thread, batting, rust
industrial felt, thread, cord
industrial felt, thread, recycled denim
ink and acrylic on paper
ink and graphite on paper
ink on book boards
ink on mylar
ink, acrylic and crayon on Larroque watercolor pap
ink, casein and acrylic on paper
ink, casein and digital transfer on w/c paper
ink, limestone, pigment
iridescent watercolors on black cold press waterco
Italian taxidermy canary cast in resin, stainless
Jacquard Tapestry
kiln cast crystal
kiln-formed glass, antique key, wire on Birch pane
kiln-formed glass, glass powder imagery, steel
kiln-formed glass, wire, tacks on Birch panel
Lake Michigan rock bound in parchment
laser engraved edges, embossed leather covers, lin
lead, clay
lead, copper, wood
lead, tape measure
lead, wood
leather, paper, linen thread, avocado dye
LED lights, resin encasement, custom electronics
Lenticular Photograph
letter pressed porcelain panels with steel bracket
letterpress and die cut cotton paper
Letterpress and digitally printed hand-bound book
letterpress and linoleum print
letterpress from photopolymer plates
Letterpress on Rives BFK and pigment prints on Can
letterpress print
letterpress printed accordion-fold book
letterpress printed book, Gampi Shi paper, split b
Letterpress, artist book
Letterpress, laser cutting, laser printing, bookbi
letterpress, pastepapers, drawings
Letterpress, printed hand-bound book, watercolor
letterpress, screenprint, woodcut
Letterpress, Woodcut and Collage
Letters cut from an old German Bible
letters from the Upanishads
limestone with fossil, LEDs, laser-etched acrylic
limestone, acrylic, wood
limestone, ink
limited edition artists’ book
limited edition print
Limited edition, hand-bound,accordion binding with
lino-cut, gold leaf
Linoleum cut on Kitakata, wooden newspaper sticks,
Linoleum cut, handset type and cuts on Rives Light
litho and hand painting on arches paper
Looped book pages in frame
Madrone burl
melted gun steel suspended in steel stand
metal and found materials
metal and found materials and sound
metal, wood, porcelain and oil paint
mica, tape measure, wire
mica, wire
mixed material and marble
Mixed media
mixed media and encaustic on panel
mixed media collage
mixed media collage on archival paper
mixed media encaustic with steel stand and copper
mixed media on board
mixed media on canvas
mixed media on carved wood
mixed media on drafting film mounted on birch pane
mixed media on Larroque watercolor paper
mixed media on panel
mixed media on paper
mixed media on watercolor paper
mixed media panel
mixed media with fabric and thread on panel
mixed media: book pages, plaster, photo transfer,
Mixed media: silk organza, acrylic paints and medi
Moab Entrada paper, encaustic, oil on panel
monochrome vintage folded pages with gold accents
Monotype with chine colle
monotype with Chine-collé
Monotype with pastel on joined sheet
Monotype, Akua, Fabriano Rosaspina 220 gsm paper
Monotype, hand-made woven netting embedded in pape
mulberry paper, India ink, watercolor, wax
Mulberry paper, ink, wax
Mulberry paper, watercolor, Akua intaglio, wax on
Mulberry paper, watercolor, graphite, Akua intagli
Mulberry paper, watercolor, graphite, wax on panel
Mulberry paper, watercolor, wax
Mulberry paper, wax, watercolor
multiple plate etching
Negative-core cast and blown glass, Cast bronze wi
neon, found objects
newspaper, dollar, steel, oil
non-adhesive accordion book made from handmade fla
Non-adhesive Coptic binding with pure wool felted
Non-adhesive free sewn long stitch binding made fr
oak oil based paint
oakgall ink painting on prepared arches paper
ocean plastic debris, acrylic
oil and acrylic on mylar
oil and alkyd on canvas
oil and alkyd on canvas on panel
oil and alkyd on canvas over panel
oil and alkyd on linen
oil and canvas over panel
oil and casein on canvas
oil and cold wax on panel
oil and fabric on canvas panel
oil and gel medium on panel
oil and gesso on paper
oil and Gold Leaf on canvas
oil and ink on paper
oil and mixed media on canvas
oil and mixed media on panel
oil and resin on wood
oil and sand on canvas
oil and tar on canvas
oil and water based paint and sealants, charcoal a
oil and wax on canvas
oil on Belgian linen over archival panel
oil on Belgian linen over panel
oil on birch panel
oil on board
oil on canvas
oil on canvas on panel
oil on canvas over panel
oil on canvas panel
oil on canvas panel and wood
oil on canvas w silver flake
oil on canvas with charcoal
oil on canvas with fishing lure
oil on cradled canvas
oil on cradled panel
oil on gesso panel
oil on linen
Oil on linen panel
oil on linen panel and wood
oil on panel
oil on paper
oil on wood
oil on wood panel
oil on wood panel and wood
oil, acrylic and gel medium on canvas
oil, acrylic and gel medium on panel
oil, acrylic and plaster on canvas
oil, acrylic, gel and paper on canvas
oil, acrylic, gel and paper shreddings on canvas
oil, acrylic, gel medium
Oil, acrylic, kroma crackle, and paper on canvas
oil, alkyd and casein on linen
oil, alkyd on canvas
oil, alkyd on linen
oil, beeswax & resin on panel
oil, charcoal and cold wax on panel
oil, cold wax on canvas
oil, cold wax on panel
oil, encaustic, mixed media
oil, wax and watercolor on panel
oil, wax, charcoal on canvas
painted limestone
painted museum board, wax
paper and thread
paper folded, mounted
paper made from worn army uniforms, Kevlar, surgic
paper sculpture
paper scultpure
Paper soaked in concrete
paper, beeswax, silk, wax seal, hanging from bambo
paper, gold leaf
paper, rolled and mounted
paper, steel
paper, thread
paper, wire, fiber, paint
paper,ink,silk book cloth, board,sinew thread
paperback book, acrylic varnish
pastel on paper
pastel over digital monotype
patinaed bronze
patinaed copper, string
patinated copper
patinated copper, gesso
patinated copper, wire
patinated copper, wire, safety pins
patinated copper, wire, thread
pen & ink
photo collage
photo on fabric, thread, embroidery hoop, dye
photo transfer on wood, encaustic, oil painting
photograph by Linda Connor sublimated on aluminum
photograph on fabric wrapped and sewn
photograph, paper, fabric, ink and thread
photography on fabric, dye, thread, beeswax, book
photography on fabric, thread, embroidery hoop and
photography on fabric, thread, embroidery hoop, be
photography on fabric, thread, embroidery hoop, pa
photography on fabric, thread, embroidery hoop, pa
photography on fabric, thread, embroidery hoop, pa
Photopolymer etching & relief, mezzotint, chine co
Photopolymer etching with embroidery on handkerchi
Photopolymer etching, silk embroidery on handkerch
Photopolymer etching, silk embroidery on silk orga
Photopolymer etching, veil, silk embroidery
Photopolymer intaglio, polymer plate letterpress,
pigment dispersions, inks, polymers, varnishes, en
pigment print on German Etching Paper
pigmented cold wax on canvas
pine with gesso
pine with stain
pine, redwood, found materials, milk paint, acryli
plaster, limewash paint, acrylic paint
Platinum/Palladium portfolio
poem with photo by Sandra Hobson
porcelain and found iron
porcelain and found object
porcelain with overglaze decals
porcelain, found iron, glass
porcelain, found object
porcelain, glaze
porcelain, mason stains
porcelain, wood and fabric
porcelain, wood, fabric and oil paint
Porcelain, wood, fabric,oil paint
porcelain, wood, oil and milk paints
port orford cedar, found materials, milk paint
port orford cedar, milk paint, acrylic paint,
Port Orford Cedar, milk paint, acrylic paint, mixe
Port Orford cedar, milk paint, prismacolor
Port Orford Cedar, milk paint, rust patina
powdered clay and charcoal
printed rice paper embedded in fiberglass and resi
Provencal Limestone, Chinese Sandstone
Provencal limestone, marble mix and pigment
punctured paper
ramie fishing net yarn, silk/stainless steel
rare book, gold thread, brass pins
redwood and patina
redwood with black patina
redwood with brown patina
Redwood with patina
Redwood, acrylic, oak base
Redwood, found metal, acrylic
Redwood, gesso and patina
reed, plaster, found object
relief ink, gouache
resin, stainless steel an aluminum lab hardware
resin, stainless steel and aluminum lab hardware
rku-fired porcelain, fabric, fused glass and found
Romance novels, MDF, Papier mache
rust, Sumi Ink, colored Gesso on board
safety pins, industrial felt
salvage steel, marine grade plywood, silicone, vul
salvage steel, plywood, silicone, vulcanized rubbe
serial artists’ book in twelve episodes
seven volumes of raw flax handmade paper books pig
shredded money and thread
shredded money, thread
silk tissue xerox transfer on vintage book paper,
silk tissue xerox transfer, pastel and graphite on
Silk tissue, encaustic, oil on panel
smoke on paper
solid worked glass with soulphide painted and form
Somerset soft white textured paper
Soul Searchers
spackling compound, ink and charcoal on wood board
spitbite aquatint, soapground aquatint and softgro
spray paint on handmade paper
stabilo pencil, acrylic paint, oil pigment sticks
stainless steel
stainless steel, charred wood
stationer’s binding variation, indigo pigmented he
steel and automotive Paint
steel and book pages
steel and glass
steel wire
steel wire, book covers, trace paper
steel wire, found material
steel wire, found object
steel wire, graphite shadow drawing
steel wire, nails
steel wire, trace paper
steel wire, waxed linen
steel, acorns
steel, altered book
steel, book pages
steel, book paper
steel, book paper, paint
steel, bookpages, paint
steel, found materials, basswood, acrylic paint, m
steel, found objects
steel, paint
steel, paper
steel, paper, paint
steel, pods
steel, wire
stone, fiber, pigment
stone, rattan, pigment
stoneware, found object
Stoneware, Glazed Kiln Shelf and Wood
sumi ink, walnut ink, charcoal pencil, Japanese wa
synthetic felt, found textiles, sewing notions, th
Tarot Deck
Tasmanian Blackheart Sassafras, ash, 19th century
textile: applique
textile: block print
textile: discharge dye
textile: screen print, rusted
thread and zippers
thread, shredded money
three hole pamphlet binding in an accordion bindin
tibetan paper, wax, red thread, bamboo
tin foil, paper mache, wax
Trade Edition Book
triple woven natural silk text block, silk thread,
Tunnel Book, linoleum cut printed in dark blue ove
typed words with an old-fashioned typewriter, pain
typewriter ribbon ink on paper
used socks, thread, yarn, zippers and wax
used sweaters, socks, thread, yarn, zippers and wa
vintage book pages, diamond dust
Vintage Book Pages, ink
vintage magazine, acrylic varnish
vintage typewriter striker fan, resin, aluminum la
walnut ink on book boards
walnut ink, book boards
walnut, Alaskan cedar, found material, milk paint
watercolor on paper
watercolor, mulberry paper, wax
watercolor, pastel and charcoal on paper
Watermarked text on bleached flax paper, letterpre
wax paper, concrete, gypsum, fiber and paint
waxed thread on Somerset
white Alaskan cedar, milk paint
wire structure, paper, papier-mâché
wire, acorn tops, lichen
wire, book covers, paper
wire, ceramic coating
wire, clay
wire, eucalyptus pods
wire, lichen
wire, mica
wood porcelain, driftwood, oil
wood with found object and acrylic
wood, acrylic and found object
wood, acrylic, enamel, found object
wood, acrylic, found object
wood, acrylic, prismacolor and found object
wood, acrylic, prismacolor, copper, gold leaf and
wood, acrylic, prismacolor, gold leaf and found ob
wood, bronze, stainless steel
wood, clay, fabric, oil
wood, fabric and paint
wood, fabric, porcelain
wood, found metal, acrylic
wood, found object, acrylic
wood, found objects, acrylic
wood, leather, oil paint
wood, paint
wood, porcelain, fabric
wood, porcelain, fabric, oil paint
wood, wire, paint, porcelain
wool and paperback, cut, folded and assembled
woven cotton
woven cotton, rayon
yellow cedar, acrylic, glass eyes
Yellow Cedar, found objects, milk paint
yellow pine, acrylic paint, glass
1989 - 2021
2007 - 2018
2009 to 2013
2012 - 2017
2015 - 19
2015 - 2017
2015 - 2019
2015 -19
2016 - 19
2016 - 2019
2019 - 19
5" x 9 3/4" x 1 3/4"
Price Scale:
$1 - $100
$101 - $250
$251 - $500
$501 - $1,000
$1,001 - $2,500
$2,501 - $5,000
$5,001 - $10,000
$10,001 - $25,000
$25,001 - $50,000
$50,001 +