A Sense of Place
August 2 - August 31, 2014
Although the focus of this exhibition is landscape it may well be considered an abstract exhibition. None of the works are literal, each artist exploring various concerns – light, atmosphere, weather, composition and mood. The airborne brushstrokes of Jeffrey Beauchamp’s paintings play with the viewer, their exuberant marks of color giving way to recognizable bits of landscape. Kristen Garneau’s layered works are tone poems capturing the subtle combinations of light and shadow that give the landscape its most transcendent qualities. Kim Ford Kitz’ paintings resonate with earlier California painters Richard Diebenkorn and Wayne Thiebaud, her divisions of space and generous use of paint capturing a particularly Californian landscape. Elegant surfaces and lyrical expressions of mood are found in the paintings of Suzanne Onodera and finally Carole Pierce’s works pinpoint a specific moments in time – the gust of wind causing a momentary flurry of petals or the visible band caused by heat rising on a distant plane.