Ideation by Chance
In the Book Room

February 2 - March 9, 2013

Reception for the artists: Saturday, February 9 from 6 to 8pm

Ideation by Chance

Ideation by Chance is an exhibition of artist books curated by Julie Chen and Barbara Tetenbaum in the Book Room

The concept for the exhibition came from cards that Tetenbaum had developed. The cards have different categories: text, image, structure, color, layout, etc....with about 6 cards in each category. A second deck has adjectives to be picked at random. Each artist was given one card from each category stack and 5 adjective cards. Their book is created according to the parameters set by the cards. Chen became fascinated with the deck and Chen and Tetenbaum are working on a formalized version as a collaborative project.

The exhibition features entirely new and original handmade books from Sarah Bryant, Clare Carpenter, Macy Chadwick, Julie Chen, Sabine Golde, Larissa Hammond, Lyall Harris, Karen Kunc, Roberta Lavadour, Clifton Meador, Veronika Schaepers, Pati Scobey Barbara Tetenbaum, US/US (Ulrike Stoltz and Uta Schneider), Karen Zimmermann, Phil Zimmermann and Marilyn Zornado