Emily Payne: Pentimento

September 1 - September 30, 2018

Reception for the artist: Saturday, September 8 from 5:30 - 7:30pm

Emily Payne at Seager Gray Gallery



1. a visible trace of earlier painting beneath a layer or layers of paint on a canvas.

Why must art be static? You look at an abstraction, sculptured or painted, an entirely exciting arrangement of planes, spheres, nuclei, entirely without meaning. It would be perfect, but it is always still. The next step is motion. Alexander Calder 

Emily Payne creates a platform or “canvas” for her works by assembling vintage book boards to form a surface that has pattern, history and breaks the confines of the perfect rectangle. By using the covers as a platform for something new, she is able to hold onto the history and personal stories that the books contain while giving them a new purpose. Payne often traces the shadows of her own filigreed wire sculpture onto the work, creating an intriguing interplay between two and three-dimensions, light and shadow.

We are pleased to present a solo exhbition of new work by Emily Payne. One of the artworks, Molting Installation, in the exhibition will be a work in process through out the month of September. We invite the public to come meet the artist, watch her work and learn about her process. The schedule is as follows... 

Every Thursday in September: 11:00-3:00
Saturdays: Sept. 1, Sept 8, Sept 22: 12:00-4:00

No rsvp required.

Emily Payne: Pentimento press release