Lisa Kokin's extraordinary works spin thread and shredded money into poignant social commentary. Always brilliant at combining meticulous process with limited materials (mostly thread, but in this case thread and shredded money), Kokin succeeds in creating art that seems impossible to accomplish. In “Lucre” (the title alone a pithy reflection on the corruptive power of money), Kokin uses currency that has been shredded acquiring it in bags ordered online from the Bureau of Printing and Engraving.
To quote the Renny Pritikin’s catalog essay, “Kokin is a master who has been making art involving sewing, fabric and the like since well before the turn of the century. Such work requires long hours of both planning and execution, often to the extent that they become meditative, almost trance-inducing disciplines. Lucre has been built exactly in that way. The result is elegant and utterly resolved, deliciously satisfying in its formal completeness.”