A Certain Impression , 2013
Artwork Shop
27 x 19
x 2
In the work A Certain Impression , Bruggeman concerns herself with the question of ink on paper (as well as books and other print media). Ink on paper was the dominant medium for so long and especially the certainty and solidity of letterpress printing, impressed into a sheet of paper. “It feels solid and like something you can trust,” says Bruggeman, “I made it for a solo exhibition called Where do I put it if not on paper? and it connected to Derrida’s book Paper Machine. I think the piece also works more broadly speaking about knowledge in general. We think we know where we are, we’ve defined our world, but something always comes up to pull the rug out from underneath us. The paper is crumpled, more because it has turned into a thrown away item, something less cared about or relevant…something more fallible.”