Sound Marks , 2006
Artwork Shop
9.5 x 12.5
Howard Munson is a book artist and printmaker with an interest in experimental forms. His books are characterized by the exquisite craftmanship of his bindings and prints. The "naked" prints and drawings, enclosed within these crafted casings make the book arts the best medium for Munson's talents. You can get right up close to the textures of the prints and drawings and touch the beautiful papers with your hand.
Munson is well known for his popups and teaches at the San Francisco Center for the Book. Howard received his MFA from the San Francisco Art Institute. He established the Academy of Art College's book arts classes, teaching there for 13 years. His prints and books have been shown at SFMOMA, the Chicago Art Institute, Mexico City's Galeria Metropolitana and the Pratt Graphics Center in New York.
Sound Marks, 2006, 9.5 x 12.5, Zinc plates with hard ground were used to draw on with a fine needle. Unique Book.