O is for Opera , 2006
Artwork Shop
7.25 x 10
x 2.75
9.4 x 6.75"; 90 pages. Accordion fold with pop outs and multiple other movables. Letterpress printed on Velata paper using Bernhard Modern type and images by photopolymer plates. Calligraphy design by Judythe Siecke. Set page drawings by Stephen Hendrickson. In wine-colored cloth-covered 7.25 x 10 x 2.75" box. The interior of the box is lined with paper in a Fortuny (Mariano Fortuny, 1871-1949, textile designer) design. The same fabric design becomes the accordion spine of the book so that it spreads like a stage curtain.
No detail was spared in the journey that any opera lover would love. From the paper programs and opera glasses to the alphabetical presentations of operas from Aida (complete with 3D set with pyramid) to Die Zauberflote, every page takes you to the dramatic world of the opera.
Bay Park Press: "O is for Opera was conceived in March, 2003 and printing began in April. We printed through several life crises (ours, our families, our interns), numerous teaching assignments, other letterpress projects, press breakdowns and new puppies, births and deaths. And so it probably goes with all long-term projects. But at times we wondered if we would ever make our end. But we kept on printing, and printing, some pages having at least 15 color runs through our trusty Vandercook I.... We estimate we cranked the press 19,853 times in this edition of 45. It is Spring 2006 and our opera odyssey is finally finished. We hope yours is just starting.