Sanjay Vora

Path to Paradise , 2021

78 x 120 in

oil, acrylic, gel and paper shreddings on canvas

“Path to Paradise,” at 78 x 120” is one of the artist’s largest and most abstracted works yet with the veiled surface created by a combination of shredded paper and gel medium. The effect is stunning, allowing the edges of the paper to interact with the air around it. The image is of an idyllic time in the artist’s life, a college trip to the Bahamas with his best friend who is seen walking up from the beach – that kind of moment that you wish you could bottle and keep with you forever. This is a case where medium mirrors message when you consider the time-consuming effort to apply small bits of paper to a work this expansive. The surface evokes a feeling of harmonic dissonance, charged and diffused at the same time.

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