Influxstructure: A Topography of Ghosts , 2018
Artwork Shop
10 x 10
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Influxstructure: A Topography of Ghosts explores macro and micro human systems (both natural and artificial), and how we use the earth and our bodies to communicate and navigate space. When the book is closed, iron filings in the glass case are gathered in a tightly closed circle around a hidden magnet. When the book is open, the iron filings fall away from the magnet and scatter into formless dust. The map-fold variation structure allows images to be peeled back layer by layer, alternating between the minuscule (synapses, nerves, veins), to the immense (Nazca lines, US Highway systems, Atomic bomb test site). Holes in pages peek through to highlight the interconnection of the systems. Text alternates from prose poems to cited research.
Images and text created on a Poco Proof Press through a combination of pressure prints with pochoir, and text printed from photo-polymer plates on Hahnemuhle Ingres and Uda-gami paper. Typeset in Diotima designed by Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse. Signed and numbered edition of 25.
Keri produces limited-edition artist’s books and is the proprietor of Coyote Bones Press. She teaches book art workshops at various institutions, including adjunct faculty at the Southwest School of Art, and is the creator of Books in the Wild Podcast. Keri is the 2019-2021 Helen M. Salzburg Artist-in-Residence for Jaffe Center for Book Arts.
“My work examines landscape and objects as metaphors for the human experience. A focal point of this investigation is a curiosity behind how we understand, utilize, and navigate our environment. I am driven by the questions, “how and where is memory held in objects and places?” and “where does our internal space stop and external space begin if our presence is capable of changing the atmosphere?”